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           Bun Rany (born 1954) is the wife of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and head of the She is addressed and referred to by the honorific "Lok Chumteav".Bun Rany was born Ms. Bun Sam Heng in Krouch Chhmar district, Kampong Cham Province. She was the fourth of five children from a farming family, and is of Chinese descent, with roots from Hainan province in China.


Personal life

In 1972 she was a nurse in the National United Front of Kampuchea (NUFK) forces. She met Hun Sen in 1973 in a dispensary in Kampong Cham when he was recovering from a wounded leg. On January the 5th 1976, she married Hun Sen in a group marriage ceremony with 12 other handicapped ex-combatants. Though the marriage was organised by the Khmer Rouge Angkar (organisation) it was also desired by both partners. Hun Sen reports that he had asked his commander for permission to marry Rany. On November 10, 1976, Bun Rany gave birth to their first child, a son, who died later the same day. In 1980, her father was killed by the Khmer Rouge during a raid on the family village.

Currently, Samdech Hun Sen and Chumteav Bun Rany have six children, three sons and three daughters (one of them adopted). Their names are Hun Manet, Hun Mana, Hun Manit, Hun Mani, Hun Mali, and Hun Malis.

In October 1999, following the public assassination of popular Cambodian actress Pisith Pilika, the French magazine L’Express claimed that the actress’ diary recounted a love affair with Hun Sen and pointed to Bun Rany as responsible for arranging the shooting; the magazine also claimed that on her deathbed the actress had named Bun Rany to several people. Bun Rany quickly denounced these charges, and announced that she would press charges against L’Express for defamation. No charges were ever brought against l'Express, however.


Political life

Although Bun Rany Hun Sen holds no elected office, Cambodian political life means she is accorded much power and respect due to her marriage. She is addressed as Lok Chumteav, Khmer for "Her/Your Excellency", a rank equivalent to minsterial Secretary of State, and has worn military uniform in public and taken salutes from General officers of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, despite Cambodian law forbidding civilians from wearing uniform or impersonating soldiers.


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