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               Hun Sen  (born August 5, 1952; real birthday April 4, 1951) is  the Prime Minister of Cambodia.  He is one of the key leaders of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP), which has governed Cambodia since the Vietnamese-backed overthrow of the Khmer Rouge in 1979.  He was a former Khmer Rouge who escaped to Vietnam before 1979 in order to call the Vietnamese to overthrow the other Khmer Rouge.

         Born in Kampong Cham, Hun Sen left his home when he was 13 and resided at a temple to get a chance to study.  At age 19, Hun Sen joined Khmer Rouge.  During the Khmer Rouge offensive against Phnom Penh and just one day before the victory, on April 16, 1975, Somdech Hun Sen was wounded in the left eye.  As a result of a wound sustained, Hun Sen has a glass eye.  Recovering after months of treatment, he married Bun Rany.  In 1977 he lefted his family during the Pol Pot regime's policy of genocide, to lead a movement aimed at liberating Cambodia and its people from the genocidal regime. 

          In 1978, Hun Sen became a founding member of the United Front for the National Salvation of Kampuchea (UFNSK).  In collaboration with other patriotic movements and with the support of Vietnamese volunteer forces, on January 7, 1979, the UFNSK rescued Cambodia and its people from the genocidal regime of Democratic Kampuchea (Pol Pot).

His current, full, honorary title is: Samdach Akkak Moha Sena Padey Dekjo Hun Sen.  The title "Samdech" was attached to his name in 2007 by King Norodom Sihanouk.  It is only an honorary title and does not give him further (royal) powers.


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